26 Aug 2014

How to download free paid apps on any android devices using Aptoide?

Want to download paid versions of android apps absolutely free. Then Aptoide is the perfect app for you. 
Aptoide is a app very much like the play store however everything in it is free. All you need is to download the app on your phone and your done. 

Downloading free apps is easier on Android devices then on apple devices the main reason because you do not need to root (jailbreak) your device.

To download this app you will need to do a couple of things to prepare your phone.

All you need for this really is just your phone and internet connection. 

If you have rooted or have downloaded free paid apps successfully before you can skip the first step.

1) Permission for Unknown Sources

You will need to give permission for aptoide to install the app to do this you will need to go to the settings>Security>Unknown sources (tick)

This step may vary between different phone so if you cannot find it you can do a quick search on google.

2) Download  Aptoide.apk

This step is easier if you download the apk on your phone but if not possible you can download it on your computer then transfer onto your phone. 
Click here to download Aptoide 
If the link above does not work here is a link that takes you directly to their website.
Click Here

3) Click on the apk

So now just click on the apk and install.
There you have it aptoide is ready for use.

Enjoy! and share



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